Turner - DHR
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Turner - DHR


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Site Ranking 897
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QTip's profile image

QTip said on 22 March 2010

Nice, but yes you really do need a new seat!

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jez_9540's profile image

jez_9540 said on 22 March 2010

Love these frames! And the 2010 boxxers :D ! not sure about the codes as they have a reputation of problems. But dont change what aint broke (yet lol).
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bertie woop woop replied... on 22 March 2010

yeah its a really nice bike at the mo, brakes iv had for a year and i have found them faultless. im after now; new seat, lg1 chain device and sunline direct mount stem.

bertie woop woop replied... on 22 March 2010

yeah its a really nice bike at the mo, brakes iv had for a year and i have found them faultless. im after now; new seat, lg1 chain device and sunline direct mount stem.

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turner dhr, fox dhx5.0 with remote resivior, 2010 boxxer team, saint cranks, e.13 srs, mavic ex721 rear rim on a hope pro 2, front mavic ex721 on a blue pro 2, race face atlas bars, raceface diablous stem, maxxis minions, avid code 5's, v12's, sram x.9 2010. NEED NEW SEAT!

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