Details Announced for Canyon Sessions 2020
10 February 2020 | By billy1979Need something to get you through the long winter evenings? We might only be at the beginning of February but we’ve got one way to get you exciting about racing and longer, lighter days on the trails. Here at Canyon we’ve spent the last few months planning our 2020 MTB events list and we can’t wait to share it with you! Whether you kept on trucking through winter with us or you're just dusting the cobwebs off your bike- we have an event for you.
From riding with the pros to demoing bikes at the UK’s biggest MTB festivals- come and get involved. We will be hosting demo days where you will have the chance to test out our fleet, hitting up the biggest MTB events in the UK and giving you the chance to hang out with the pros. To get things underway, we kicked off the year at Revolution Bike Park last weekend with the UK [CLLCTV] riders and from this point onwards the events keep on coming.
We hope you are as excited as we are about our events for 2020, stay tuned for some exciting additions to be confirmed soon!
Check out the full events list here: