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Southwestway Figure 8

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Southwestway Figure 8 is a 5.9km trail situated within the Southwestway Park in Indianapolis is a popular trail for mountain bikes. Read more

place SouthPort, 46221



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Southwestway Figure 8 is a 5.9km trail situated within the Southwestway Park in Indianapolis is a popular trail for mountain bikes.

Begin with the multiuse trail at the southwest corner of the parking lot. This loop is just over a mile long and serves as a good warmup ride, and a great introduction for beginners and kids.

Expect to see small kids here on nice weekends. Horses are also permitted, so while it may be tempting to hammer on the smooth, wide trails, control your speed to avoid crashes with other trail users. As you are finishing the loop, you'll reach an intersection with the Lenape Trail that is marked by a boulder in the middle of the intersection. Head left to finish the loop (or repeat it) and turn right to head down the Lenape Trail.

The Lenape meets up with a wide gravel trail (that also intersects with the parking lot) and heads downhill before making a left and returning to a singletrack trail. There is also construction to add to the this trail system. There is a track at the bottom of the Lenape trail that is full of BMX style jumps and tables.


  • Parking Parking


Nearest Town: SouthPort
Sat Nav: 46221
Grid Ref: N/A

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Please note: Distance is calculated as air distance or "as the crow flies" the most direct route between two points, so the distance by road maybe slightly longer.

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Last modified: 2019-09-29 10:32:26

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