YT Industries - Wicked Pro
YT Industries - Wicked Pro
YT Industries - Wicked Pro
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YT Industries - Wicked Pro

XC / Enduro

Battles Won 159
Site Ranking 1126
Views 5296
Bike of the week 7th August 2013

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fishman's profile image

fishman said on 16 January 2015

Very nice.

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Parts Brand Model
Frame YT Industries Wicked Pro
Rear Shock BOS VIP'R
Fork BOS Deville
Headset Acros AZX-203
Handlebar Renthal Fatbar
Stem Kore Repute 35mm
Grips N/A N/A
Brakes Avid X0
Brake Levers Avid X0
Shifters SRAM X0
Front Derailleur SRAM X0
Rear Derailleur SRAM X0
Chain Guide E thirteen TRS+
Cranks E thirteen TRS+ Dual
Chainrings E thirteen TRS+ Dual
Bottom Bracket E thirteen TRS+ Dual
Chain SRAM PC1070
Cassette / Rear Cog SRAM PG-1070 11-36, 10 speed
Pedals E thirteen LG1+
Front Rim Mavic Crossmax SX
Rear Rim Mavic Crossmax SX
Hubs Mavic Crossmax SX
Spokes Mavic Crossmax SX
Front Tire Continental Rubber Queen 2.4 Tubeless
Rear Tire Continental Mountain King 2 2.4 Tubeless
Saddle YT Industries YT
Seatpost Rockshox Reverb
Seatpost Clamp YT N/A
YT Industries Wicked Pro
Frame: (Medium) 7005-T6 Alu, V4L-Rear-End, 12mm Thru-axle
Shock: BOS Vip'R
Fork: BOS Deville
Travel: f/r170mm / 168mm
Headset: Acros AZX-203
Rear Derailleur: SRAM X0, Type2
Front Derailler: SRAM X0
Shifter: SRAM X0
Chain-Guide: E.13 TRS+ Dual Guide (without Taco)
Brakes: SRAM X0 Trail
Discs: f/r200mm / 200mm
Cranks: e.Thirteen TRS+ Dual, 175 mm
Chainring: 36/22 teeth
Cassette: SRAM PG1050, 11-36 teeth
Bottom Bracket: E.13 The Hive
Wheelset: Mavic Crossmax SX
Tyre: (F) Continental Rubber Queen UST, 26x2.4
Tyre: (R) Continental Mountain King II UST, 26x2.4
Stem: Kore Repute, 35mm
Bars: Renthal Fatbar, 780 mm, 30 mm Rise
Seatpost: Rock Shox Reverb Stealth, Ø30,9mm, 125mm
Saddle: YT
Pedals: e*Thirteen LG1+
Weight: 13.8 kg (w/o Pedals)

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