Commencal - Meta SX 1 2013
Commencal - Meta SX 1 2013
Commencal - Meta SX 1 2013
Commencal - Meta SX 1 2013
Commencal - Meta SX 1 2013
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Commencal - Meta SX 1 2013

XC / Enduro

Battles Won 160
Site Ranking 1120
Views 6553
Bike of the week 29th September 2013

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billy1979 said on 29 September 2013

Bike of the day!

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Parts Brand Model
Frame Commencal Meta SX
Rear Shock Fox Float CTD Boost Valve w/ Remote
Fork Fox 34 Float CTD W/Remote
Headset Internal Cartridge
Handlebar Renthal Fatbar
Stem Renthal Duo
Grips ODI Lock On
Brakes Formula RX
Brake Levers Formula RX
Shifters Sram X7
Front Derailleur N/A N/A
Rear Derailleur Sram X0
Chain Guide E thirteen LG1
Cranks FSA Gap Mega EXO
Chainrings FSA Gap Mega EXO
Bottom Bracket FSA Gap Mega EXO
Chain Sram X0
Cassette / Rear Cog Sram X0
Pedals DMR/Shimano Brendog Vaults/DX
Front Rim Mavic EN321
Rear Rim Mavic EN321
Hubs Commencal by joytech N/A
Spokes DT Swiss N/A
Front Tire Onza Ibex DH 2.4
Rear Tire Onza Ibex FR 2.25
Saddle SDG Circuit
Seatpost Rockshox Reverb
Seatpost Clamp Commencal N/A
Frame: 2013 Commencal Meta SX - 160mm
Shock: Kashima Fox Float CTD Boost Valve, with remote
Fork: Kashima Fox 34 CTD Fit 160, Tapered, QR15, with remote
Stem: Renthal Duo
Handlebar: Renthal Fatbar 20mm, 740mm
Grips: ODI Ruffian Lock-On
Brakes: Formula RX 12 180/180
Shifter: Sram X7
Chain Device: E13 LG1
Rear Mech: Sram X9 10 speed
Crankset: FSA GAP Mega Exo 36t
Seatpost: Rockshox Reverb 31.6mm
Saddle: SDG Circuit
Hubs: Commencal disc by joytech, sealed bearings, 15QR front, 142x12 rear
Rims: Mavic EN321
Tires: Onza Ibex DH 2,40 front, Onza Ibex FR 2,25 Rear
Pedals: DMR Brendog Vault/Shimano DX

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