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oodboo's Message Board
Haarlem's profile image

Haarlem wrote on 12 August 2009 14:52

hey mate, thank you for the welcome message. yeah i always take the camera with me when we ride, because when we ride the trail, and all of a sudden you come across a part of the track when you say "wow that was kool" we generally get a guy for the next run to stop there and get some shots..

AC's profile image

AC wrote on 11 August 2009 21:39

Na, I did ask which Adam Katie meant though. I figured it must have been my wheels she was on about. Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing though, given the symbol those wheels represent...:-(

AC's profile image

AC wrote on 11 August 2009 21:19

What new wheels you got then?!

yunki's profile image

yunki wrote on 11 August 2009 18:20

I learnt the way of the M:uni on a hot summers day aided by four cans of special brew.. followed by endless days of practice.. that method probably won't suit your new routine now though with the nipper in tow.. quite interested in a hoody.. will get back to you on that front in a week or two

wiskaz's profile image

wiskaz wrote on 11 August 2009 16:17

thats good of you mate, i will take you up on that, my pal is just back on his bike after a nasty injury(new hip and 19 month off his bike), so we are just taking it easy at the min but we will for sure meet up , thanks

yunki's profile image

yunki wrote on 11 August 2009 15:37

man... I went on oodboo.com.. saw the m:uni range.. are you into that!? Last time I rode uni was about 16 years ago on a bright yellow pashley.. dunno if offroading was called muni back then..

yunki's profile image

yunki wrote on 11 August 2009 06:05

not wishing to promote a different forum.. but I've behttp://forums.mtbr.com/showthread.php?t=158959&page=4en looking thru this one.. and there is at least a couple days worth of reading on the 1x9 topic from some dedicated and long term 1x9 users

yunki's profile image

yunki wrote on 11 August 2009 00:16

mate.. keep in touch with me if you can regarding any hints and tips on going 1x9.. I'd appreciate it. Also..congrats on the dad thing.. My turn next month OOOOF! and props on the unicycle pic!!

wiskaz's profile image

wiskaz wrote on 10 August 2009 20:20

just got a cube ltd race, nice bike, like to trip up the 7 stains mostly,

superwol's profile image

superwol wrote on 9 August 2009 12:27

you`ll have to stop having kids and falling of your bike then maybe you`ll make it to one of the outings lol they`ll be plenty more i`m sure mate

mega_waster's profile image

mega_waster wrote on 6 August 2009 22:24

you still a cripple? ...daddy-oh!

AC's profile image

AC wrote on 3 August 2009 19:31

Aye...I was thinking that when it was first mentioned like, I hadn't heard about it.

AC's profile image

AC wrote on 3 August 2009 18:02

Looks like the Newcastle Jam is rumoured to be cancelled. Gutted mate.

AC's profile image

AC wrote on 2 August 2009 21:21

The thing next weekend is Newcastle Jam, a link below. Not sure exactly where it is still like, no info on Google that I can see. http://www.pinkbike.com/news/newcastle-jam-2009.html

AC's profile image

AC wrote on 2 August 2009 20:57

Am only messing any way mate.

AC's profile image

AC wrote on 2 August 2009 20:53

Your right, where in August now mate.

AC's profile image

AC wrote on 2 August 2009 20:44

You've already said that! Nar, I like my choice, anyway, talking of may, what about your bike, with the white rims and that? Or is that now Claires?!

AC's profile image

AC wrote on 2 August 2009 20:39

Also, apparently you can get a canny Scott XC and DH bike down at the hammers.

AC's profile image

AC wrote on 2 August 2009 20:39

I was thinking more, one of these. http://www.edinburghbicycle.com/ebwPNLqrymode.a4p?f%5FProductID=11212&f%5FSupersetQRY=KSpecialized%20Sport&f%5FSortOrderID=%2D1&f%5Fbct=

AC's profile image

AC wrote on 2 August 2009 20:34

Just cos you were wanting to buy one! Na, a little pricy, not paying a grand or more again for a bike, probably about 500, give or take.

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