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the bear's profile image

the bear wrote on 10 September 2008 20:03

did u get last message?

the bear's profile image

the bear wrote on 10 September 2008 19:58

not riding wid u if u call me a xc faggot

the bear's profile image

the bear wrote on 10 September 2008 19:52

wats this about fiance?

the bear's profile image

the bear wrote on 10 September 2008 19:49


DMR MAN's profile image

DMR MAN wrote on 10 September 2008 18:15

chek out my pic frm tres

konastinky888's profile image

konastinky888 wrote on 10 September 2008 06:34

cool. the 08 royal race shorts look nice. just gotta find somewhere thats got my size in and im getting some when im paid. thanks.

konastinky888's profile image

konastinky888 wrote on 9 September 2008 18:29

yeah im ok, only got some scrapes on me and the bike, and yeah it was the stinky. my marins got no wheels at the moment. ive scratched my hope moto lever quite bad but its mostly only on the master cylinder cap which is about the cheapest bit to replace and i bent my rear disc up a little bit too, but never mind. can you reccomend any decent heavy duty riding shorts, maybe with some sort of butt padding because i landed on my butt pretty hard and was only wearing some nike shorts and they were pretty useless? i gotta get some decent shorts.

downhiller56's profile image

downhiller56 wrote on 9 September 2008 11:35

cheers for the comment bud

downhiller56's profile image

downhiller56 wrote on 8 September 2008 09:55

hi mate, i love downhill trying to get a downhill bike , got a trek fuel 70 xc bike using it for downhill but not the best for it.

konastinky888's profile image

konastinky888 wrote on 7 September 2008 19:25

yeah it was good. i came off a treat!

konastinky888's profile image

konastinky888 wrote on 7 September 2008 16:21

alright m8 just got back from cwm carn and there definatly a campsite there, i saw the little sign for it on the way in.

konastinky888's profile image

konastinky888 wrote on 5 September 2008 18:40

they told me it depends on the length? vodkas a gut ripper, im on the spliffs an stella!

konastinky888's profile image

konastinky888 wrote on 5 September 2008 18:24

its £22.50 per wheel labour and 85p a spoke for new ones. and ill be needing 64 (32 per wheel) they are fitting new spokes as the guy told me that the old ones are now stretched for my old rim????

konastinky888's profile image

konastinky888 wrote on 5 September 2008 18:00

yeah konas own brand pedals are poo. i just sold a pair ive had in a box for nearly two years for a tenner. buzzing, they aint worth 5 quid, let alone 10. and ive got a star shaped thing on the end on my 50/50's not a hex shape? i think they are the cheaper version. im going to have a look inside when i can be bothered to. probably will next week when the bikes wheels will be off for the rim swap. do you reckon 95 quids expensive for a rim swap coz thats what my lbs want to do it?

konastinky888's profile image

konastinky888 wrote on 5 September 2008 17:36

yeah im not sure yet whether to get green pedals or go with white to match the fork. do you mean the star shaped cap? im relly not liking these pedals ive just noticed the plates are all loose now. i want a pedal that dosnt require a service every time i ride it. how did you manage to bend some v12's, do you mean the axles? mine have been fine on both my bikes and they both get a bit of a beating.

konastinky888's profile image

konastinky888 wrote on 5 September 2008 17:21

yeah i gotta try taking them apart or something coz they aint good at the moment theres a lot of play in them. i am thinking about ditching them for my old v12's but as the bikes brand new i dont wanna stick my old scratched pedals on there. might just by new ones. have you tried/know anything about gusset slim jims? im looking at them coz they come in a nice green that will match my frame and new rims.

konastinky888's profile image

konastinky888 wrote on 5 September 2008 17:14

got to be long pins the short ones come level with the raised surface on them and that only lets you get grip from the back half. and mine are rattling like hell and they are a week old. i prefer my v12s.

Dingo2024's profile image

Dingo2024 wrote on 4 September 2008 19:39

hi paul, check this out http://www.pinkbike.com/news/scratchmere-scar-2008.html it looks like £15 per day for uplift-I have not been yet but it looks promising. Ian

Dingo2024's profile image

Dingo2024 wrote on 3 September 2008 17:38

thanks for that; I bumped into a couple of guys at stainburn a few weeks ago and they said to try silton. so i will head up there sometime; also have you been to scratchmere yet. there seems to be lots of stuff getting built there (3 dh runs with up lift)

PG's profile image

PG wrote on 3 September 2008 13:15

how the kona's do? you look to give them some stick.

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