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Trail Reviews Summary

Fun factor
Fun factor 7.3333 out of 10
Trail variety
Trail variety 7.3333 out of 10
Trail quality
Trail quality 8.0000 out of 10
Facilities 6.6667 out of 10
Location 6.6667 out of 10

"Bridle Path with some very tough climbs but rewarding descents"
Review by: Hazza on 5 May 2009

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This ride encompasses Piethorne reservoir, Hollingworth Lake, Denshaw or Standedge and finally finishing in Diggle,dependant on who far you want to go. I usually start my ride at Piethorne Reservoir located in Newhey. This is simple to find. Just follow Huddersfield Road until you see an offshoot road on the left.

When starting the ride I don't follow the road upwards toward the parellel to Ogden. I go back to way I came and look for a sign on your right indicating Pennine Bridleway. It looks like you're heading into someones drive, but if you follow this you'll be on the bridleway.

This starts with a modest climb on broken concrete turning into compacted earth and rocks. Head right at the farmhouse with the yapping terrier. This track follows a winding track back to the opposite side of Ogden Reservoir. Once you can see the Reservoir on your right you'll come to a gate. Follow the track straight ahead and you will see a brook underneath some bracken. carry your bike up the steps and rejoin the bridleway.

I personally follow the left to start with. This is usual bridleway conditions being a bit of bone shaker. you will come to a sign post at the cross roads. Thankfully you can't really go wrong on the bridleways as they are signposted along the main routes. I usually follow the path towards Hollingworth Lake. This is nice little addition with fast descent into Rakewood. I do a loop of the Lake and come back the way I come. When you get back to the cross road you can either head towards Windy Hill or a meandering route round to Piethorne. If you head towards Piethorne you will be rewarded with a technical descent for about half a mile. Please bear in mind if it has been raining heavily prior to this the descent will be more like riding down a waterfall. This descent is made up of large rocks and boulders.

Once down the descent follow the path round the overflow. This is where the ascent starts. This is a long technical ascent. Chose you route well as this can be very slippery after a downpour. This is rocky to say the least with storm drains running parallel across the path to sap your energy. Follow this up the farmhouse which leads onto the top of moors. Follow the road upwards and you will see a gate on your right. Cross and follow the bridleway once again. This path is very boggy and windswept around Readycon Dean reservoir in winter. You will get to another cross roads. You can continue ahead along the Rapes Highway or follow the track down towards Standedge and Denshaw. I usually follow this down a nice descent on a rutted path. Keep following the path down and across the road at the bottom.

This continues onto some boggy deeply bouldered track. The track then comes to a junction you can either head towards Denshaw or continue to Standedge. If you Head towards Standedge you can join onto the Diggle Jiggle circuit (Mentioned on the Pennine Bridleway website) Or you can go to Denshaw. You will be rewarded with a fast descent down a back road that leads to the main road. Turn right here and go straight ahead at the cross roads. This is a steep hill which on the other side leads back to Piethorne



Nearest Town: Middleton

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