GT - Avalanche 3.0
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GT - Avalanche 3.0

XC / Enduro

Battles Won 160
Site Ranking 764
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moggi0's profile image

moggi0 said on 14 May 2009

I like it! I think you need to adjust the quick release seat clamp, it looks like its pointing up from looking at your pic?

Vi7ER replied... on 14 May 2009

Cheers for the votes guys. Been down to Cannock (chase the dog) and given it a good thrashing. I've not really had many different bikes but this one seems really good for the price! Oh, I've taken the reflectors off and the seat QR was adjusted a few minutes after I took that pic :p. Left the bell on though, its useful on the canals.

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adamhinchliffe's profile image

adamhinchliffe said on 4 May 2009

looks a good solid bike, however u need to lose a few things, the 4 reflectors u have on and the bell if that is a bell, it may be polite to ring it but its ever so

still gets you a TEN :)

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Great XC bike! Bought it for off road use, and it has done a good job whether on canals or downhill sections! Feels real stable and the forks do their job well. Very pleased with it so far.

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