ORANGE - alpine 160
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ORANGE - alpine 160

XC / Enduro

Battles Won 159
Site Ranking 1151
Views 1824
Bike of the week 5th September 2013

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MTB Deals

Parts Brand Model
Frame Orange Alpine 160
Rear Shock Rockshox Monarch RC3 Plus
Fork Fox 36 Talas
Headset Internal Cartridge
Handlebar Burgtec RideWide
Stem Thopmson 50mm
Grips Bontrager Lock On
Brakes Shimano XT
Brake Levers Shimano XT
Shifters Shimano XT
Front Derailleur N/A N/A
Rear Derailleur Shimano XT
Chain Guide Straitline Silentguide
Cranks Truvativ Descendant
Chainrings Truvativ Descendant
Bottom Bracket Truvativ Descendant
Chain Shimano XT
Cassette / Rear Cog Shimano XT
Pedals Spank Spike
Front Rim Mavic Crossmax ST
Rear Rim Mavic Crossmax ST
Hubs Mavic Crossmax ST
Spokes Mavic Crossmax ST
Front Tire Maxxis Ardent
Rear Tire Maxxis Ardent
Saddle PRO Vanderham
Seatpost Rockshox Reverb
Seatpost Clamp Straitline N/A
rockshox monarch rc3 plus & fox 36 talas.
crossmax st wheels - maxxis ardent lust tires.
thomson 50mm stem-burgtec rw bars-bontrager grips.
shimano 2012 xt brakes with ice tech rotors.
shimano xt dyna sys 10 speed gearing with 2013 clutch xt mech.-xtr chain.
truvativ descendant 165mm crank-straitline silent guide-straitline amp pedals.
reverb and pro vanderham seat-straitline clamp

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