another angle of the evil rocky gap
Up and Over Trail - Kielder Forest

Up and Over Trail - Kielder Forest 1349



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another angle of the evil rocky gap

Rider(s) N/A
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Location United Kingdom > North East
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jackybo123 said on 12 January 2008

dont mean to be rude but how is this rated as expert!!!

mega_waster said on 1 August 2008

Well I didn't stop to take pictures until I broke the rim so there is a lot of stuff back there that might challenge good riders. To be fair, there is a long snaking stretch of skinny is there not? You don't get those every where. You'll find you can roll off most advanced grade obstacles without scraping your chain wheels but expert stuff needs to be hit at speed or at least requires a wheelie drop. I think that's the key difference. After expert comes x and xx which is for extreme I believe.

mega_waster said on 1 August 2008

I'm probably going on a bit now but I thought I'd mention the up and over trail is really a XC (cross country) trail. Don't expect huge drops or jumps that you'd might find in a bike park style area. Expert XC will have steep technical sections and abstacles which will test your ability to go up hill as well as down. You'll find it physically demanding with difficult technical features thrown in just when you have little energy left to take them on. There'll be lots of peddling

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