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Penicuik Skatepark

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Penicuik Skatepark is the result of Midlothian Council consultatiing with young people in the area, which confirmed their desire to have a purpose built skatepark in Penicuik Read more

place Penicuik,



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Penicuik Skatepark is the result of Midlothian Council consultatiing with young people in the area, which confirmed their desire to have a purpose built skatepark in Penicuik, which could be used by skateboarders, BMX bikers and in-line skaters.

Skatepark features:
1. 6ft high miniramp
2. 4.5ft high funbox
3. 6ft high, 40 degree flat-bank to wallride
4. 5ft high, hipped quarterpipe
5. 7ft high quarterpipe
6. 4.5ft high quarterpipe
7. 6ft high, 30 degree steep driveway bank
8. 2.5ft high, 15 degree steep driveway back
9. 4ft high, 20 degree steep flat-bank



Nearest Town: Penicuik

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Last modified: 2009-08-05 21:41:15

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