Reviews for Hamsterley Forest Mountain Bike Trail Centre

Bedburn, Hamsterley DL13 3NL


Members Reviews

mega_waster's profile image

Review by: mega_waster on 11 November 2012

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Trail quality

Major changes completed in 2012. Now really worth a look.

The first part of the trail follows a fun for all the family section shared by some of the milder trails. Beware this part of the forest can get very busy with families, dogs and other riders. Trying to force your way through at speed is not going to make you popular. You can avoid that busy section by using the black trail but you'll need some local knowledge for that.
The red route still has some long forest road climbs but the Hammsterley Trail Blazers have added some cracking descents. You'll now be treated to two main descents that are smooth, swoopy and full of jumps and drops. The first begins at a radio mast a good way round the trail. The second sets out from the Descend Hammsterley car park by the four cross start ramp. (you are not permitted to park near or ride the DH trails unless you register and pay at the DH cabin.) This is Section 13 and is best avoided unless the ground is dry. It's hard work getting up there and a bit of a disapointment if the trail surface is not nice and dry. The return to your start point now shares some sections of the black trail that beginners may find too tricky to attempt.
It's worth noting this trail is like a figure of eight. You will do the same climb twice, climbing to the half way point on the way out before turning right at the cabin. On the way back you climb right up to the top or take a left at the cabin to skip S13.
You can get round this trail fairly easily if you have some decent fitness even if you don't have the skills to match. For those bikers looking for the most difficult and exciting riding the forest has to offer, take the black route and switch to the red by climbing to the radio mast from the valley bottom.

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tdalerider's profile image

Review by: tdalerider on 21 February 2012

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Trail quality

Worthy trial on a budget

This trail is a mix of old single track, some new sections and forest road.
The new display board in the main car park shows the current route.
Volunteer time and club money has largely gone into building red route trails, but I believe there is still fun and challenges to be had on the old black route (I’d agree with other reviewers that it is easy for black grading).
Trail is at its best in the dry with adequate single tracks and more if riders are prepared to look beyond the forest commission marked trial; the 2 main climbs are up forest roads, but the rest of the route can be ridden mostly avoiding roads. The highlights are the downhill from the 4X course to the tarmac road, up the road and left down the newly signposted ‘Special K’ single track to the car park.
Hopefully time and money can be found to improve other sections this year, in the mean time enjoy if for what it is.

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stretchie's profile image

Review by: stretchie on 30 October 2011

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Trail quality

Nice uphill course

Very disappointed. As mentioned before I can cope with long uphill sections if there's a trade off of good downhill runs. First 20 mins uphill very little down, uphill again with a horrendously boggy,rooty flat section. A short downhill run nothing special. Uphill again for an age past the start of the downhill run and the injustice of watching people having fun!!! A good man made area section 13 then a few boggy downhill sections back to the visitors centre. Just don't waste your time or energy I'd rather of parked at the top of section 13 and rode round it for an hour. Yes natural but just boring,dull I'd rather ride round my local woods for natural fun testing riding

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christan0191's profile image

Review by: christan0191 on 8 June 2011

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This is such a great trail even though it is not that long. Went a few months ago and loved it. Very good for beginners and advanced.

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Little-Jimmy's profile image

Review by: Little-Jimmy on 25 October 2010

Fun factor
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Trail quality

Very poor, not enough single track and over grown. NOT A BLACK TRAIL!

I rode this today after having read reviews. I wasn't expecting it to be the best trail in the world. But wasn't quite ready for how bad it was. To start with the trail markers are very poor, this ruins the flow as your'e aways on the lookout to see when you have to turn of the fire breaks. Which brings me to my next point. Far far to much of this trail is on fire brakes for it to be a black run. You work very hard hill climbing (which i dont mind)(mostly on fire brakes) for very little single track or flowing decent. The new section 13 is a perfect example of this.( Where did all that money go for the trail upgrades?) You just start to enjoy yourself, then you find your'e at the end of it and back on a fire road! (again). Bottom line on this trail. Dont bother! stay in the car and drive to Dalby where they know how to build trails.

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